
GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Gelation of Chicken Breast Muscle Actomyosin As Influenced by Weight Ratio of Actin to Myosin. S.F. Wang and D.M. Smith GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Wafer Batters: A Rheological Study. G. Oliver and S.S. Saki. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Effects of Minerals and Apparent Phytase Activity in the Development of Hard‐to‐Cook State of Beans. O.L. Kilmer, P.A. Seib and R.C. Hoseney. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Vioelastic Properties of Rice‐Flour Pastes and Their Relationship to Amylose Content and Rice Quality. K.R. Reddy, R. Subramanian, S.Z. Ali and K.R. Bhattacharya. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Properties of Wheat Flour Doughs in Steady and Dynamic Shear:Effect of Water Content and Some Additives. S. Berland and B. Launay. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Properties of Dough Made with Starch and Gluten from Several Cereal Sources.K.E. Petrofsky and R.C. Hoseney. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Effects of Certain Breadmaking Oxidants and Reducing Agents on Dough GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Properties. W. Dong and R.C. Hoseney. P.P. Lewicki and W.E.I. Spiess. METHODOLOGY & INSTRUMENTATION: Firmness Measurement of Muskmelons by Acoustic Impulse Transmission. J. Sugiyama, K. Otobe, S. Hayashi and S. Usui. METHODOLOGY & INSTRUMENTATION: Changes in Mixograms Resulting from Variations in Shear Caused by Different Bowl Pin Sizes. Sizes. J.L. Hazelton and C.E. Walker. INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Changes in Sonic Resonance of ‘Delicious’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ Apples Undergoing Accelerated Ripening. Ripening. L.A. Liljedahl and J.A. Abbott. INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Damage Loss Cost Curves for Peach Impact Bruising. P.J. Vergano R.F. Testin, W.C. Newall, Jr. INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Correlation of Head Rice Yield to Selected Physical and Mechanical Properties of Rice Kernels. R. Lu and T.J. Siebenmorgen.b INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Rheological Properties of Raisins: Part 11. Effect of Water Activity. Lewicki and W. Wolf. INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Effect of Starter Cultures on Small Deformation Rheology of Stirred Yoghurt. H. Rohm and A. Kovac. INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Low and High Strain Macrobehavior of Grain Masses ‐ The Effect of Particle Eccentricity. M. Aloufi and J.C. Santamarina INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Prediction of Dough Rheological Properties Using Neural Networks. R. Ruan S. Almaer and J. Zhang. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Thermal and Physical Properties of Tortilla Chips as a Function of Frying Time. R.G. Moreira, J. Palau, V.E. Sweat and X. Sun. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Physicochemical Changes in Cassava Starch and Flour Associated With Fermentation: Effect on Textural Properties. F.A. Numfor, W.M. Walter, Jr and S.J. Schwartz. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: A Simulation Model to Determine the Allowable Depth for Apples Stored in Bulk. Y. Shahabasi, L.J. Segerlind and N.J. Carroll. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Prediction of the Nonlinear Vicoelastic Properties of Gluten Doughs. C.F. Wang and J.L. Kokini. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Measurement of Extensional Viscosity of Viscwlastic Liquid Foods. M. Padmanabhan. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Modelling Deformation and Flow During Vapor‐Induced Puffing. H. G. Schwartzberg, J.P.C. Wu, A. Nussinovitch. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Stress‐Strain Relation of Compressive Solka Floc Cakes. G.G. Chase and J. Arconti. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Time Dependent Rheological Characterisation of Buttermilk at 5C. F. Butler and P. McNulty.

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