
Fractional Conversion for Determining Texture Degradation Kinetics of Vegetables. A.F. Rozvi and C.H. Tong Viscoelasticity of Frozen/Thawed Egg Yolk. V.R.N. Tellis Structural Changes Related to Texture of he‐Peeled Potatoes. G.M. Sapers Rheological Behavior of Undeveloped and Developed Wheat Dough. D. T. Campos, J.F. Steefe SENSORY MEASUREMENTS Sensory Descriptive Profile Relationships to Shear Values of Deboned Poultry. B.G. Lyon and C.E. Lyon FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE Thermal and Calcium Pretreatment Affects Texture, Pectinesterase and Pectic Substances of Frozen Sweet Cherries. J. Alonso, W. Canet Particle Size Distribution in Tomato Concentrate and Effects on Rheological Properties. F. W. C. den Ouden Low‐temperature Blanch Improves Textural Quality of French‐fries. C, N. Aguilar, A. Anzaldua‐Morales, R. Talamas and G. Gastelum Trypsin Treatment to Improve Freeze Texturization of Minced Bream. E. Kolakowski, M. Wianecki, G. Bortnowska and R. Jarosz High‐Pressure‐Freezing Effects on Textural Quality of Carrots. M. Fuchigami, N. Kato and A. Teramoto Rheological Properties Including Tensile Fracture Stress of Semolina Extrudates Influenced by Moisture Content. H. Liu, J. Qi and K.I. Hayakawa Yield and Textural Properties of Soft Tofu as Affected by Coagulation Method. H.J. Hou Textural Changes of Banana and Plantain Pulp during Ripening. S.T.A.R. Kajuna, W.K. Bilanski and G.S. Mittal Influence of Texture of Suwuri Gels on Kumuboko Gels Made from Sardine (Surdinupitchardus) Surimi. C. Alvarez and M. Tejada Textural Changes and Functional Properties of Cod Mince Proteins as Affected by Kidney Tissue and Cryoprotectants. C.C. Chang and J.M. Regenstein Texture Profile Analysis of Heat‐Formed Gels and Cakes Prepared with Low Cholesterol Egg Yolk Concentrates. A. Paraskevopoulou and V. Kiosseoclou

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