
The author examines Romanian Russian-language publications by the representatives of literary traditionalism issued after the Second World War. The article reveals the features of Romanian literary traditionalism and the specifics of its reflection in the large magazine “Mysl”, which was the main printing body of this trend in the period between the two World wars. The article presents the history and landmarks of this magazine. The author explains complicated post-war political course attitude towards literature, aspirations of which often did not coincide with the requirements of the time. The paper concludes about the positive and negative sides of the publications of traditionalist writers in the 1960s — 1980s, where the very possibility of such publications was a positive event, and the negative one was the concealment of a much larger number of unpublished parts of the heritage of Romanian literary traditionalism behind a small number of publications. From the circle of authors of the “Mysl” magazine, successive traditionalist writers are singled out, whose works in the post-war period were published in translations into Russian. Within the framework of Romanian literary traditionalism, the author distinguishes its main directions — autochthonism and expressionism. The analysis of the differences and similarities between them is supported by the consideration of the texts of the works of representatives of both directions, reflected in Russian translations. The paper concludes on the complex three-part model of Romanian literary traditionalism, the core of which is the concept of “village”; and the author highlights the features of interaction of all the components around the centre of this model. The relevance of the article is due to the small number and inaccessibility of these publications caused by the one-time and olden publications abroad, rare publications in our country and the lack of republications.

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