
In Ayurveda human body is said to be formed by dosh-dhatu-mala-moolam –hi-shariram. (Acharya sushruta).It is based on the state of equilibirium of tridosha ,saptadhatu and trimala. All these are nourished well initially by influence of jatharagni(digestive energy )after consuming food. The nourishment of all dhatus is influenced by function of respective dhatvagnis. This nourishment from aahar vihara and aushada affects dhatu nirmana .Ayurveda has described seven dhatus that are produced in kind of progressive metamorphosis,beginning with rasa dhatu(primary product of digested food) followed by rakta dhatu(blood tissue),mamsa(muscle tissue),meda(fat tissue),asthi(bone tissue),majja (bone marrow) and ending with final product shukra dhatu(reproductive fluids).The previous dhatu nourishes the next dhatu,hence they act as a substratum for each other.So the main objective of the study is to explore knowledge on physiology of bodily tissue formation.

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