
Annotation. This article is dealt with the researching level of monuments written in the Mamluk-Kipchak language and some problems arisen when studying medieval manuscripts are discussed in it. Examples of scientific classification of written monuments in the Kipchak language are presented and grouped by their contents. There is also some detailed information about the language of literary works that appeared in the Turkic-Kipchak language during the Mamluks’ reign. A comprehensive analysis of the Mamluks’ literary monuments and the manuscript "Irshadul-muluk uas-salatin" was made. On the basis of our ancestors' heritage revival with a thousand-year history, forgotten in the conditions of modern globalization, there is a need for modern domestic science to rethink the past history of our people by finding, bringing and studying medieval manuscripts comprehensively on History, culture and beliefs. Mamluk-Kipchak manuscripts of the 13th-15th centuries, especially in the literary sphere, takes a special position among the written monuments common to all Turkic-speaking peoples. These monuments, written in the Mamluk-Kipchak language, are not a valuable source only for the Egyptian society, but also for studying history, culture, language, beliefs and religious beliefs of the Turkic peoples in general. Most studies on Mamluk-Kipchak inscriptions provide general information about manuscripts based on copies or translations of manuscripts published in Turkey and Europe rather than original manuscripts. There are such issues as changes in the original text, incorrect reading of some Kipchak words, discrepancy between meanings and transcriptions, incomplete information about the time, place and author in these studies and the majority of the monuments are studied only from structural and grammatical points of view. Therefore, there is a growing need for the collection of original monuments of the Mamluk-Kipchak language and their comprehensive study within the framework of a new scientific paradigm.
 The article was carried out with the grant financial support of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the research project NoAP09058201 "Theolinguistic space in the monument "Irshadul-muluk uas-salatin" (14 century)"

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