
This study focuses on the literacy transmission guideline for preserving “Xin Tian You” folk songs in Northern Shaanxi, China. The purpose of the research is to explore effective strategies and approaches to enhance the transmission and preservation of this cultural heritage. Key informants for this study consist of scholar informants, casual informants, and general informants who possess knowledge and experience in “Xin Tian You” folk songs. The data analysis involves fieldwork, interviews, and questionnaires to gather qualitative data, which are analyzed to identify patterns and trends. The research findings highlight the impact of socio-cultural changes on the transmission and preservation of “Xin Tian You,” as well as the importance of strengthening support, embracing innovation, preserving and disseminating the songs, increasing publicity, and media coordination. The study concludes that by implementing these strategies and fostering literacy transmission, “Xin Tian You” can be preserved and transmitted to future generations, contributing to the cultural heritage of Northern Shaanxi and the development of traditional folk music in China.

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