
Literacy has become one of the education needs in the 21st century. Literacy education implementation can be held through the management of literacy culture in schools. This step is taken as an effort to optimize the quality of education and equalize the students’ achievement at the international level. This study aimed to analyze the implementation of literacy culture management applied in elementary schools, in Indonesia. This research used the mixed-method sequential explanatory. The interviews, questionnaires, and documents study techniques were performed to collect data from teachers, students, and principals of public elementary schools in Boyolali, Central Java, Indonesia as data sources. Data were validated using the triangulation technique and triangulation sources. The data then were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings of the study revealed: (a) literacy culture planning has been implemented optimally; (b) the organization of literacy culture has been carried out by establishing a school literacy team and it has operated optimally; (c) management of literacy culture; which consists of habituation, development, and teaching; has been implemented, and the objectives have been achieved (d) control includes regular academic supervision and evaluation has been carried out properly. This research implies that management literacy culture implementation in Boyolali, Indonesia can be a good reference and guideline for schools that will adopt a literacy culture program that needs intensive efforts to improve literacy culture in schools.

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