
Literacy and literacy, distinct and related processes, which should, in any event, develop together, this interdependence leads to a consistent training reader. Therefore, the professional education should get out of your comfort zone to understand in full what actually constitutes this junction, thus, break the paradigms of traditionalism that lingers in the teaching practice. We seek to understand why does not occur successfully literacy proficient in your normal cycle, even in the face of so many formative possibilities and availability of quality teaching materials. It's a little disconcerting, but, if you needed a thorough analysis on the role of the teacher teacher, recognize their teaching strategies and the cause of lower students ' learning. If the teacher teacher really understood the merging literacy and literacy and changed your attitude in the classroom in order to meet this new perspective? That is the question which raises the said study.


  • Literacy and literacy, distinct and related processes, which should, in any event, develop together, this interdependence leads to a consistent training reader

  • The professional education should get out of your comfort zone to understand in full what constitutes this junction, break the paradigms of traditionalism that lingers in the teaching practice

  • It's a little disconcerting, but, if you needed a thorough analysis on the role of the teacher teacher, recognize their teaching strategies and the cause of lower students ' learning

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Joelma Moraes Silva

Abstract— Literacy and literacy, distinct and related processes, which should, in any event, develop together, this interdependence leads to a consistent training reader. Buscou-se estabelecer um paralelo entre teoria e prática, através de uma pesquisa de campo, numa das escolas da rede municipal de ensino no município de Capim GrossoBa, mais precisamente, no ciclo de alfabetização (1o e 2o anos), com persepctiva de buscar nos professores, respostas que justifique o déficit de aprendizagem dos alunos nesse momento da vida escolar. O artigo discorre brevemente o percurso da alfabetização e letramento numa perspectiva da evolução teórica, colo ca sobre a necessidade de compreensão de tal junção e chega a conclusão de que os professores, por sua vez, ainda não compreenderam na íntegra, como trabalhar em sala de aula, ou seja, a apropriação de ambos está ocorrendo de forma gradativa, a partir da quebra de paradígmas do método tradicional

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