
Festuca alpestris (2063) 1 sheet, Kitaibel Festuca amethystina (2074) 6 sheets Festuca cana (2053) 1 sheet, Kitaibel Festuca ciliaris (2075) 1 sheet, Kitaibel Festuca cinerea (2065) 1 sheet, Bellardi Festuca cynosuroides (2082) 2 sheets, Pourret Festuca distans (2060) 1 sheet, Kitaibel Festuca duriuscula (2078) 7 sheets Festuca flavescens (2059) 7 sheets, Kitaibel and others Festuca glauca (2052) 9 sheets, Kitaibel and others Festuca halleri (2062) 3 sheets, Kitaibel, Bellardi Festuca ovina (2051) 13 sheets, Kitaibel and others Festuca racemosa (2077) 1 sheet, Kitaibel Festuca tenuifolia (2056) 5 sheets, Kitaibel and others Festuca vaginata (2054) 3 sheets, Kitaibel, Humboldt Poa cernua (1964) 2 sheets, Klein

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