
The LISE++ software for fragment separator simulations has undergone a major update. The package, widely used at rare isotope beam facilities, can be used to predict intensities and purities of rare isotope beams and for planning and running of experiments using in-flight separators. It is especially useful for radioactive beam production as its results can be quickly compared to on-line data. The LISE++ package has been ported to the Qt-framework in order to support modern compilers and computing methods. The benefits include 64-bit operation and LISE++ availability on three different platforms: Windows, MacOS and Linux. In addition, the porting provides the ability to take advantage of future computational improvements. The updated package is named LISEcute++ to indicate a major step forward from the previous Borland-based versions. In addition to porting to the new platform, new main features and modifications have been added, mostly devoted to improving models and implementing other codes involved in rare isotope production at FRIB. A summary of modifications completed to improve the functionality of the code are discussed in this work, as well as future plans.

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