
Based on field and petrographic observations, mineralogical, geochemical (whole-rock by ICP-MS, ICP-OES, ISE and PGNAA) and geochronological (ArAr on mica and UPb on columbite) data, ten pegmatite types and one type of cassiterite-rich quartz hydrothermal veins have been distinguished in the Fregeneda-Almendra field (FA) (Central Iberian Zone), some of them highly enriched in Li (included in petalite, spodumene and Li-rich mica). The pegmatites and the veins mostly intrude Neoproterozoic to Cambrian rocks from the Schist-Greywacke Complex. Felsic igneous magmatism during syn- to late-D3 stages (≈ 320–295 Ma) of the Variscan orogeny was important and nearly continuous in the area, with the overlap of different granitic units of highly peraluminous S-type composition. The most important in outcrop corresponds to the Mêda-Escalhão-Penedono-Lumbrales granitic complex (MEPL), which belongs to a two-mica leucogranitic series. The other granitic units (Saucelle, Feli and East-MEPL granites) are younger and belong to a P-rich, Ca-poor monzogranitic series. Spatial relationships, together with chemical, mineralogical and geochronological data, indicate that all the pegmatite types and the cassiterite-rich quartz hydrothermal veins are not cogenetic, being related to three different magmatic events: (i) (≈ 319–313 Ma) includes the syn-D3 MEPL granite and three types of barren pegmatites (intragranitic, quartz+andalusite layers and simple concordant pegmatites); (ii) (≈ 305–300 Ma) corresponds to the late to post-D3 Feli granite, related to a group of cassiterite-rich quartz veins; and, (iii) (≈ 300–298 Ma) represents the late- to post-D3 East-MEPL and Saucelle granites, likely parental of some barren aplitic-pegmatitic apophyses and the discordant intermediate and Li-rich pegmatites. These latter form part of a general granite-pegmatite fractionation trend.

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