
A relationship between the observation of a density anomaly and the underlying crystalline phase diagram is demonstrated. The crystal phase diagram and temperature of maximum density (TMD) lines are calculated over a range of parameter space using a Stillinger-Weber potential. Relationships between the loci of density maxima in the PT plane for the liquid state and the underlying crystalline phase diagram are investigated. Two key potential parameters are systematically varied in order to control the balance between the model two- and three-body interaction terms, and the relative effects of varying the potential parameters analyzed. The respective TMD lines diverge at extreme values with one set of lines showing a reentrant behavior. For each parameter set the TMD lines are extrapolated to T=0K. The corresponding pressures are related to the crystalline phase diagram and are found to lie on or near specific crystal-crystal coexistence lines for a wide range of potential parameters. The density anomaly is observed to vanish corresponding to regions in the crystal phase diagram which lack crystal-crystal coexistence lines potentially offering a new interpretation for the emergence of anomalous behavior.

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