
Hospital is a public service place that is used to treat many people. Therefore, many medical activities in hospitals will be carried out using medical tools and materials. The process of medical activity will produce waste like liquid medical waste. It will be dangerous for the environment if liquid medical waste management is not carried out correctly. Further, no system integrates liquid waste management from preparation to reporting stages, so the data generated is not centralized. It can conduce several issues like monitoring and recording the waste generated, and the waste that has been managed is prone to mistakes. Applying an ERP-based liquid waste management system is one solution for monitored and recorded liquid waste management processes. This research uses QuickStart Method and will develop a liquid medical waste management system in the manufacturing, inventory, and sales & distribution module. QuickStart Method is start from the kick-off call until the configuration stages. The results of this study are ERP-based liquid waste treatment systems tailored to hospital business processes and help the hospital run their business processes, especially in the area of public hospital waste management. This waste management module produces reports and determines the amount of waste generated that can be monitored with a liquid waste indicator and reported in the form of a document to help companies analyze the results.

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