
A liquid chromatographic method for determination of azinphosmethyl (Guthion) in formulated products has been developed. Samples are dissolved in acetonitrile and analyzed by reverse-phase chromatography using n-butyrophenone as an internal standard. The method was subjected to a collaborative study involving 15 participating laboratories. Each collaborator was furnished with reference standard, internal standard, and blind duplicate samples of Guthion 50% wettable powder (50WP), 3 flowable (3F), and emulsifiable concentrate (2L and 2S) formulations. Collaborators were instructed to evaluate the method by peak height measurements only. Relative standard deviations for reproducibility (RSDR) were 1.11, 6.28, 2.47, and 1.17% for the 50WP, 3F, 2L, and 2S formulations, respectively. The method has been approved interim official first action for determination of azinphos-methyl in the 50WP, 2L, and 2S formulations.

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