
An interlaboratory study of the liquid chromatographic (LC) determination of histamine in fish, sauerkraut, and wine was conducted. Diminuted and homogenized samples were suspended in water followed by clarification of extracts with perchloric acid, filtration, and dilution with water. After LC separation on a reversed-phase C18 column with phosphate buffer (pH 3.0)--acetonitrile (875 + 125, v/v) as mobile phase, histamine was measured fluorometrically (excitation, 340 nm; emission, 455 nm) in samples and standards after postcolumn derivatization with o-phthaldialdehyde (OPA). Fourteen samples (including 6 blind duplicates and 1 split level) containing histamine at about 10-400 mg/kg or mg/L were analyzed singly according to the proposed procedure by 11 laboratories. Results from one participant were excluded from statistical analysis. For all samples analyzed, repeatability relative standard deviations varied from 2.1 to 5.6%, and reproducibility relative standard deviations ranged from 2.2 to 7.1%. Averaged recoveries of histamine for this concentration range varied from 94 to 100%.

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