
It is known that the mechanical properties of low-plasticity silt are similar to those of sand, and yet silts are frequently used as coastal reclamation materials in many cities and industrial areas and will thus be susceptible to liquefaction. Samples of a low-plasticity silt have been tested under monotonic and cyclic loading under isotropic and anisotropic stress conditions to characterize liquefaction, cyclic failure, and to develop an empirical model describing its cyclic strength. A sedimentation technique produced samples that had the highest susceptibility to liquefaction. Contractive behavior of monotonically loaded samples was triggered when the stress path reached an initial phase transformation (IPT) in both compression and extension tests. The samples became dilative after reaching a phase transformation (PT) point. The cyclic shear behavior of the silt samples prepared using the sedimentation method and consolidated at various initial sustained deviator stress ratios was examined in terms of two different failure criteria: a double amplitude axial strain εa,DA=5% for reversal conditions; or axial plastic strain εa,P=5% for nonreversal. For isotropically consolidated samples the initial phase transformation determined from undrained monotonic extension tests was the boundary between stable and contractive behavior. For anisotropically consolidated samples failure was defined by a bounding surface formed by undrained monotonic compression tests. An empirical model was developed relating the number of cycles to failure under conditions of both liquefaction and cyclic mobility to the initial anisotropic sustained deviator stress and cyclic deviator stress ratio.

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