
Abstract: Abstract: Liposomes are spherical vesicles composed of lipid bilayers that have gained significant attention in the realm of drug delivery and therapeutic applications. They offer several advantages over traditional drug delivery systems, including: -Protection of drugs from degradation and clearance -Enhanced bioavailability - Reduced systemic toxicity - Precise, site-specific drug delivery To elucidate the multifaceted aspects of liposomes, from their fundamental structure and composition to their cutting-edge applications in medicine and biotechnology. This comprehensive review was conducted through a systematic search of relevant literature on liposomes. The search was limited to English-language articles published in the past 10 years. A total of 150 articles were selected for review based on their relevance and impact. The review provides a detailed overview of the following aspects of liposomes: -Structure and composition - Mechanism of action - Targeting strategies - Preparation methods - Biomedical and biotechnological applications Liposomes are a promising drug delivery platform with the potential to revolutionize the treatment of various diseases. Their unique properties, including biocompatibility, versatility, and tunability, render them ideal for encapsulating a wide range of therapeutic agents. The review highlights the significant progress made in liposome research in recent years, paving the way for their translation into clinical practice.

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