
Creatine kinase (CK) enzyme overexpression has been suggested to play a role in the process of tumorigenesis and metastasis. Cyclocreatine (CCR) is a substrate analog of creatine kinase (CK), where its phosphorylated form is a poor phosphate donor in comparison with native bioenergetic molecule, creatine phosphate (Cr-P). The compound CCR has been shown to markedly inhibit the growth of a broad spectrum of cancers, both in vitro and in vivo. Intracellularly, CCR is phosphorylated by CK to yield a synthetic phosphagen [(N-phosphorylcyclocreatine (CCR ~P)], with thermodynamic and kinetic properties distinct from those of creatine phosphate (Cr-P). Distinct inhibition of tumor growth and metastasis has been attributed to CCR accumulation as CCR ~P in tumor cells, especially in those expressing a high level of CK protein, with minimal adverse effects. Unfortunately, the clinical use of CCR against malignancies is quite limited due to its amphoteric nature, which accounts for most of its extremely low membrane permeability, as well as limited oral bioavailability (BA) and poor systemic pharmacokinetics (PK).Our current work describes the encapsulation of CCR , utilizing freeze and thaw vesicles (FTV )-composed mostly of saturated PC, DOPE, and Chol-into stealth™ liposomes , postcoated with 4.5M% PEG-PE. Following physicochemical characterization, in vitro release and cellular uptake kinetics confirmed efficient delivery of liposomal CCR (CCR-Lip), leading to intracellular accumulation of its CC-P metabolic product. Successful delivery of CCR to cancer cell effectively depleted low energetic cancer cells of ATP significantly mediating myc-induced metabolic changes. CCR-Lip showed significant antimetastatic and anticancer effectiveness against both MCF-7 and PC-3 human carcinoma models (p<0.05-0.01), with 4- to 6-fold lower IC50 values vs. closest drug control. Such shift in bioenergetics was coupled via AMPK and phospho-p53 to the mitochondrial apoptosis effector Bak , thus inducing a cell-intrinsic mechanism to counteract uncontrolled neoplastic proliferation, in target cancer cells. Our novel liposomal delivery system of the CCR substrate analog demonstrated strong inhibition of malignant cell bioenergetics, leading to significant antineoplastic and proapoptotic actions, against different cancers.

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