
Molecular cloning, gene manipulation, gene expression, protein function, and gene regulation all depend on the introduction of nucleic acids into target cells. Multiple methods have been developed to facilitate such delivery including instrument based microinjection and electroporation, biological methods such as transduction, and chemical methods such as calcium phosphate precipitation, cationic polymers, and lipid based transfection, also known as lipofection. Here we report attempts to lipofect sea urchin coelomocytes using DOTAP lipofection reagent packaged with a range of molecules including fluorochromes, in addition to expression constructs, amplicons, and RNA encoding GFP. DOTAP has low cytotoxicity for coelomocytes, however, lipofection of a variety of molecules fails to produce any signature of success based on results from fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. While these results are negative, it is important to report failed attempts so that others conducting similar research do not repeat these approaches. Failure may be the outcome of elevated ionic strength of the coelomocyte culture medium, uptake and degradation of lipoplexes in the endosomal-lysosomal system, failure of the nucleic acids to escape the endosomal vesicles and enter the cytoplasm, and difficulties in lipofecting primary cultures of phagocytic cells. We encourage others to build on this report by using our information to optimize lipofection with a range of other approaches to work towards establishing a successful method of transfecting adult cells from marine invertebrates.

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