
The plasma lipid profile was analyzed in healthy people and patients with essential arterial hypertension (EAH) (stages I–II) with different allelic variations in the inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) gene polymorphic markers (rs1800482 and rs3730017). These polymorphic markers are associated with a change in the plasma level of nitric oxide. We found a positive correlation between nitric oxide plasma level and total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol content (ρ = 0.74 and 0.89, respectively). It was shown that patients with EAH carrying the C allele of rs1800482 had a lower level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol compared to those with the GG genotype (p = 0.005). The atherogenic index was significantly higher in healthy and sick individuals carrying the C allele of the studied polymorphism (p = 0.04). The effect of the rs1800482 genotype on the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol content (Test statistic = 7.90; p = 0.0049) and the atherogenic index (Test statistic = 4.02; p = 0.045) was revealed. The data obtained indicate that the previously demonstrated high risk of EAG developing in individuals carrying the C allele of rs1800482 may be associated with a change in the plasma atherogenic and anti-atherogenic lipid fractions ratio.


  • The plasma lipid profile was analyzed in healthy people and patients with essential arterial hypertension (EAH) with different allelic variations in the inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) gene polymorphic markers

  • These polymorphic markers are associated with a change in the plasma level of nitric oxide

  • We found a positive correlation between nitric oxide plasma level and total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol content (ρ = 0.74 and 0.89, respectively)

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Материалы и методы

Для определения содержания липидов и генотипирования использованы 48 образцов цельной крови доноров контрольной группы и 91 образец цельной крови пациентов с ЭАГ (I–II стадии). Концентрацию в плазме крови общего холестерина (ОХС), триацилглицеринов, холестерина липопротеинов высокой плотности определяли в автоматическом режиме на биохимическом анализаторе COBAS INTEGRA 400 PLUS (Roshe Diagnostics GmbH, ФРГ-Австрия-США), холестерина липопротеинов низкой плотности – расчетным методом по: [Friedewald et al, 1972]. Проведен корреляционный анализ по Спирмену содержания NOx, общего холестерина, холестерина липопротеинов низкой плотности, холестерина липопротеинов высокой плотности, триацилглицеринов и значений ИА. Проанализирован уровень отдельных фракций липидов в плазме крови здоровых людей и больных ЭАГ (I–II стадии), имеющих разные аллельные вариации по rs1800482 (-954G>C) и rs3730017 (T>C) гена NOS2 Результаты корреляционного анализа содержания фракций липидов и метаболитов оксида азота (NOx) в плазме крови

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