
The processes of lipid peroxidation and activities of lysosomal enzymes were studied in 56 patients with type I and II diabetes mellitus. The rate of lipid peroxidation of red cell membranes was assessed from the activities of enzymatic (NADPH-dependent) and nonenzymatic (ascorbate-dependent) . lipid peroxidation, from accumulation of acylhydroperoxides, in- termolecular joints, and from spontaneous red cell hemolysis. Activities of lysosomal enzymes (cathepsines, acid DNAse, and P-galactosidase) were measured in leukoconcentrate. The activity of enzymatic system of lipid peroxidation and acylhydroperoxide content in red cell membranes were found increased. In parallel with this, a deficiency in leukocytic lysosomes of P-galactosidase and DNAse was revealed. The detected metabolic disturbances may be regarded as one of the pathogenetic mechanisms of development of diabetic angiopathies. A relationship was revealed between changes in lipid peroxidation parameters and activities of lysosomal enzymes, on the one hand, and diabetes mellitus type and duration, on the other.

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