
Iron overload can have serious health consequences. Since humans lack an effective means to excrete excess iron, overload can result from an increased absorption of dietary iron or from parenteral administration of iron. When the iron burden exceeds the body's capacity for safe storage, the result is widespread damage to the liver, heart and joints, and the pancreas and other endocrine organs. Clear evidece is now available that iron overload leads to lipid peroxidation in experimental animals, if sufficiently high levels of iron are achieved. In contrast, there is a paucity of data regarding lipid peroxidation in patients with iron overload. Data from experiments using an animal model of dietary iron overload support the concept that iron overload results in an increase in an hepatic cytosolic pool of low molecular weight iron which is catalytically active in stimulating lipid peroxidation. Lipid peroxidation is associated with hepatic mitochondrial and microsomal dysfunction in experimental iron overload, and lipid peroxidation may underlie the increased lysosomal fragility that has been detected in homogenates of liver samples from both iron-loaded human subjects and experimental animals. Some current hypotheses focus on the possibility that the demonstrated functional abnormalities in organelles of the iron-loaded liver may play a pathogenic role in hepatocellular injury and eventual fibrosis. The recent demonstration that hepatic fibronosis is produced in animals with long-term dietary iron overload with allow this model to be used to further investigate the relationship between lipid peroxidation and hepatic injury in iron overload.

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