
The blood levels of calcium, inorganic phosphorus, magnesium, glucose and NEFA were studied in cows at the time around partus. Eight of 16 cows developed hypocalcaemic paresis. Besides hypocalcaemia the paretic cows showed lower levels of inorganic phosphorus and higher levels of glucose and NEFA than non-paretic cows 24 hrs. post partum. It is known that lipolysis is associated with uptake of calcium in adipose tissue. The calcium content in perirenal adipose tissue was however lower in paretic cows than in non-paretic parturient cows and lactating cows slaughtered 3–5 months after calving. The calcium content in omental adipose tissue was about the same in all 3 groups. Despite increased lipolysis the calcium content in adipose tissue is thus not increased in cows suffering from parturient paresis.

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