
Lipid extracts from meat, head and viscera of Indian fresh water fishes, viz., catla, rohu, mrigal, common carp and tilapia were analyzed for lipid class distribution and fatty acid profile. The yield of meat ranged from 66.0-79.5% and total lipid content in meat was 0.8-3.8%. The total lipid content was higher (>4.0%) in head and viscera. Neutral lipids constituted 71.5-93.3% of the total lipid extract. Higher glycolipid content of 25.2% was observed in lipid extract from meat of common carp and higher phospholipid content (13.7%) was observed in lipid extract from meat of mrigal. Hydrocarbons, sterolesters and triacylglycerol were the major fractions of neutral lipids. Unsaturated fatty acids dominated in all the samples. Palmitic and oleic acids were the major fatty acids found in all the lipid extracts. Docosahexaenoic acid content was higher than 3% in lipid extract from meat of all the fishes. However, in most of the fishes, the content of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid were higher in visceral lipids.

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