
AbstractA new class of liposomes (LipHosomes) is designed to induce a change of pH upon releasing their content. pH‐readout reports on the number of LipHosomes in the specimen. LipHosomes were prepared by entrapping NaOH or bicarbonate buffer in the intravesicular compartment. The liposomes suspension was purified from unentrapped compounds and brought to pH 7.0. The pH gradient between intra‐ and extra‐liposomal compartments is maintained because the phospholipidic membrane works as a semipermeable membrane thus preventing diffusion of ions across the membrane. The release of the liposomal content triggers a quantifiable variation of the pH of the medium. This feature has been harnessed in analytical assays based on ligand/anti‐ligand molecular recognition by exploiting the biotin‐streptavidin binding scheme. A pH difference of 0.2 units was observed upon the release of the payload from biotinylated LipHosomes bound to streptavidinated plates. The test showed an excellent sensitivity being able to reveal a concentration of bound LipHosomes in the sub‐pM range.

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