
This study examined the effects of density and growing season on growth and survival of juvenile lion's paw scallops (Nodipecten subnodosus) in Estero San Buto, a mangrove channel in Bahía Magdalena, Mexico. Scallops were kept in plastic mesh bags in oyster trays at three population densities (500, 1000 and 2000 organisms per tray, or low medium and high density respectively) over a period of 2 months from October to December 2001 and from February to April 2002. Growth (shell height increment) was measured every 7–12 days and mortality was evaluated at the end of the experiment (dead shell count). Overall growth was fast (0.24–0.38 mm day−1) in comparison with other pectinids. Significant differences were found for both, density and season, with faster growth occurring at lower densities and during the fall season when the water temperature was higher. Mortality was low (0.5–3.0% 60 day−1) except for the high-density treatment in the fall (44% 60 day−1). Crowding together with high water temperatures and increased metabolic oxygen demand of the scallops and possibly competition for food were the probable reasons for this high mortality. Overall, mortality was lower in the spring, when temperatures were lower, O2 values were higher and food was more abundant.

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