
Lion algorithm (LA) is specified as a novel nature-inspired optimization algorithm on the basis of unique social behavior of lions. It is one among the high-performance nature-inspired algorithms that are introduced in the 21st century. LA has two distinctive updating processes called territorial defense and territorial takeover. These processes act as a major role in searching for global optimal solution and evasion from local optimal solution. The processes are supported by important steps like nomad coalition, survival fight, cub growth, and mating. The algorithm is verified to be superior in solving optimization problems of diverse characteristics like multimodal optimization problem, large-scale optimization problems, huge search space problems, and so on. LA has been applied to system identification problem that is considered as a challenging and significant problem in the entire disciplines. As of its application, it has been deployed for the entire optimization problems in the diverse engineering disciplines. This chapter presents the biological motivation from the lion’s behavior and its interpretation to the LA. Since the algorithm was developed in two stages, the chapter briefly discusses the first version of the algorithm followed by its detailed description with illustration. Subsequently, the chapter discusses the performance accomplishments of the LA in solving different benchmark suites as well as notable applications with problem formulations.

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