
Linux is a freely distributed, 32-bit, pre-emptive multi-tasking, multi-user operating system. Once developed for educational purpose it has become an attractive counterpart to its commercial competitors. Nowadays, Linux has been expanded from a simple UNIX kernel to a huge suite of applications and utilities developed by means of a GNU C/C++, JDK, TCP/IP and X Windows. The task of the paper is twofold: in the first part we focus the attention on Linux and show that this operating system is suitable to develop and run applications for factory automation. Therefore we present the design and implementation of the worldwide first device driver dedicated to that area: a Profibus-DP device driver. In the second part we introduce a gateway connecting Profibus-DP fieldbus systems to the Internet. By means of this Java-based gateway authorized users may control Profibus-DP devices remotely The only requirement to access the fieldbus is a workstation (regardless of its hardware and operating system) connected to the Internet and a standard Internet browser installed on it.

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