
Abstract. Where the soft systems methodology (SSM) is used in the development of organizational information systems a clear division exists between the use of SSM to identify what information systems are required and conventional development activities in which it is decided how those information systems will be supplied. Discussion of how SSM might be more closely linked to conventional information systems development methodologies has been concentrated upon process‐focused approaches to information systems development. This has been partly due to a perceived mismatch between the underlying philosophies of SSM and the alternative data‐focused development methodologies. This paper argues that this perception may be mistaken; not only do the existing forms of data analysis have a large though unacknowledged subjective component but the SSM concept of appreciation may provide a model of human sense‐making that the data‐focused approaches currently lack and from which they may benefit. The idea of appreciation also allows that an alternative, interpretative form of data analysis might be used within SSM. It is therefore the conclusion of this paper that some closer integration of SSM with data‐focused approaches to information systems development is theoretically feasible and may be practically desirable. A number of possible advantages of such integration are described.

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