
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) play critical roles in arsenic (As) biotransformation in groundwater, but its compositional characteristics and interactions with indigenous microbial communities remain unclear. In this study, DOM signatures coupled with taxonomy and functions of microbial community were characterized in As-enriched groundwater by excitation-emission matrix, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry and metagenomic sequencing. Results showed that As concentrations were significantly positively correlated with DOM humification (r = 0.707, p < 0.01) and the most dominant humic acid-like DOM components (r = 0.789, p < 0.01). Molecular characterization further demonstrated high DOM oxidation degree, with the prevalence of unsaturated oxygen-low aromatics, nitrogen (N1/N2)-containing compounds and unique CHO molecules in high As groundwater. These DOM properties were consistent with microbial composition and functional potentials. Both taxonomy and binning analyses demonstrated the dominance of Pseudomonas stutzeri, Microbacterium and Sphingobium xenophagum in As-enriched groundwater which possessed abundant As-reducing gene, with organic carbon degrading genes capable of labile to recalcitrant compounds degradation and high potentials of organic nitrogen mineralization to generate ammonium. Besides, most assembled bins in high As groundwater presented strong fermentation potentials which could facilitate carbon utilization by heterotrophic microbes. This study provides better insight into the potential role of DOM mineralization for As release in groundwater system.

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