
In this paper we develop a complete theory of factorization for isometries of hyperbolic 4-space. Of special interest is the case where a pair of isometries is linked, that is, when a pair of isometries can be expressed each as compositions of two involutions, one of which is common to both isometries. Here we develop a new theory of hyperbolic pencils and twisting planes involving a new geometric construction, their half-turn banks. This enables us to give complete results about each of the pair-types of isometries and their simultaneous factorization by half-turns. That is, we provide geometric conditions for each such pair to be linked by half-turns. The main result gives a necessary and sufficient condition for any given pair of isometries to be linked. We also provide a procedure for constructing a half-turn linked pair of isometries of $\mathbb{H}^4$ that do not restrict to lower dimensions, yielding an example that gives a negative answer to a question raised by Ara Basmajian and Karan Puri.

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