
Raman spectra and lattice dynamics calculations are presented for the silicate mineral gillespite, BaFeSi4O10, which contains sheets of linked four-membered silicate rings. The results are analyzed in relation to earlier work done on the isolated four-membered ring silicate BaCuSi2O6 and to published claims that vibrational modes of four-membered rings are responsible for the sharp D 1“defect line” observed in the Raman spectra of SiO2 glass. The crystal structure of gillespite (space group P4/ncc or D ) consists of puckered Si4O12 rings, where each SiO4 tetrahedron is linked to two neighboring tetrahedra within a ring and to a third tetrahedron within a different ring. The rings are linked to each other in a staggered configuration to form sheets, which are also bonded together by Ba2+ and Fe2+. The calculation adjusts the bond bending and bond stretching force constants so that calculated fundamental mode frequencies best fit observed fundamental frequencies in the Raman spectra; eigenmodes associated with each calculated fundamental mode are then generated. Some eigenmodes calculated are unique to the gillespite structure, but many of the more localized four-membered ring modes are similar to those calculated for the four-membered rings in BaCuSi2O6 and for the three- and six-membered rings in the cyclosilicates studied earlier. The results for gillespite indicate that the Raman-active A 1g mode at 450 cm−1 is a four-membered ring bridging oxygen breathing mode that is mixed with other minor ring deformation displacements; because of this mixing, the calculated frequency of this mode is 45 to 61 cm−1 lower than that calculated for bridging oxygen binding breathing modes of puckered four-membered rings in BaCuSi2O6 and in simulated glass structures.

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