
Link prediction is a challenging task due to the inherent skew ness of network data. Typical link prediction methods can be categorized as either local or global. Local methods consider the link structure in the immediate neighborhood of a node pair to determine the presence or absence of a link, whereas global methods utilize information from the whole network. This paper presents a community (cluster) level link prediction method without the need to explicitly identify the communities in a network. Specifically, a variable-cost loss function is defined to address the data skew ness problem. We provide theoretical proof that shows the equivalence between maximizing the well-known modularity measure used in community detection and minimizing a special case of the proposed loss function. As a result, any link prediction method designed to optimize the loss function would result in more links being predicted within a community than between communities. We design a boosting algorithm to minimize the loss function and present an approach to scale-up the algorithm by decomposing the network into smaller partitions and aggregating the weak learners constructed from each partition. Experimental results show that our proposed Link Boost algorithm consistently performs as good as or better than many existing methods when evaluated on 4 real-world network datasets.

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