
The literature on sustainable development reveals that the financial sector and the real sector should maintain a coherent association in the long run. Thus, like that in a country-level significance, the relevance of the investigations of the interrelationships between the financial sector’s development and the growth and development of the states within a country is also required to be done. This chapter tries to examine the interrelationships between two sets of variables, bank credit and state output, and bank credit and human development, for the pre-reform and post-reform periods. Using the appropriate time series econometric analysis, the study finds no long-run relationships between credit and NSDP during the pre-reform period but it has observed a number of states where such stable relations hold during the post-reform period. Again, there are mixed results between the two in the Granger causality analysis during both the periods. There are the states like AP, Bihar, Karnataka, Kerala and WB where developments in the financial sector influence the growth of the real sector, while the reverse causality, that is, from the real sector to the financial sectors works in case of Assam, Haryana, MP and Maharashtra. Bidirectional causality between the two is observed in the states like TN, WB, etc. Further, the study finds very small number of states where credit and human development are interlinked in the long run. However, in the short run, the financial sector makes influences to the human development in case of the states like Bihar, Odisha and TN.

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