
A translocation mapping procedure was used to map gene-centromere distances for the genes controlling endosperm proteins on the short arm of each of the chromosomes 1A, 1B and 1D in wheat. The genes controlling triplet proteins (tentatively designated Tri-1) were found to be closely linked to the centromere on chromosome arms 1AS and 1DS and loosely linked to the gliadin genes (Gli-1) on the same arms. The Gli-1 genes segregated independently or were very loosely linked to their respective centromeres. The Gli-B1-centromere map distance on 1BS was also estimated using conventional telocentric mapping and the result was similar to that obtained with the translocation mapping. A simple two-step one-dimensional electrophoretic procedure is described which allows the low-molecular-weight (LMW) glutenin subunits to be separated from the gliadin bands, thus facilitating the genetic analysis of these LMW subunits. No recombination was observed between the genes (designated Glu-3) controlling some major LMW glutenin subunits and those controlling gliadins on chromosome arms 1AS and 1DS. However, in a separate experiment, the genes controlling LMW glutenin subunits on 1BS (Glu-B3) showed a low frequency of recombination with the gliadin genes.

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