
AbstractWe propose an approach, according to which the Web services interoperability and resulting composition schemes may be used to create the network structures reflecting the patterns according to which the services interact during execution of composition and execution queries. We show how to create so-called networks of Web services which allow to effectively use the network structural analysis and optimization techniques to solve the network composition problems. The service network is created on the basis of the semantic bindings between the services in the repository joined with the actual patterns of the service usage resulting from composition queries. Next we show how available techniques of dynamic network structure prediction and analysis may help to assess the future service usage and resource consumption of the service execution layer. Our approach is illustrated by the real data gathered from the PlaTel platform, dedicated to the complex service planning, management, provision, composition, execution and validation.KeywordsService CompositionService Orient ArchitectureService SelectionPreferential AttachComposite ServiceThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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