
Body Area Networks (BANs) can perform the task of continuous, remote monitoring of a patient's physiological signals in diverse environments. Apart from providing healthcare professionals with extensive logs of a patient's physiological history, BANs can be used to identify and react to emergency situations. We identify three important factors that afflict wireless communication in BANs: impermeability of the human body to radio waves at frequencies commonly used in BANs, efficient operation in mobile and time-varying environments, and mission-critical requirements for quick response to emergencies. An understanding of the link layer behavior of wireless sensor nodes placed on the body is crucial to address these and other challenges such as reducing energy consumption and increasing network lifetime.In this paper, we investigate link layer behavior by placing nodes on the body and directly measuring metrics of interest to engineers such as packet delivery ratio (PDR) and RSSI. Emulating a possible real-life BAN operating at the 2.4 GHz band with 12 sensor nodes, we collect over 80 hours of data from 14 volunteers in $3$ different environments that BANs are expected to operate in. We analyze the data to reveal several link layer characteristics to provide insight and guidelines for the designing of BANs. We also evaluate the performance of common routing metrics on our data.Our analysis helps us make the following conclusions. Link PDR is highly affected by the environment and not significantly by the volunteer for the experiment. Routing between nodes on the same side of the body is preferred to routing between nodes on the opposite sides. For links with the same source, failure of packet transmission to a certain node, in some cases, implies the increased probability of reception for other nodes. Most errors occur in bursts of length 1, but a small fraction occur in longer periods ($40$ packets or more).

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