
Syntactic stylistic devices such as inversion and detached sentence members are often found in different functional styles of Ukrainian and English languages. In addition, many linguists and scholars in the field of stylistics in their scientific papers advert to this type of stylistic devices. Taking into account the above factors, it should be noted that the study of lexical and semantic features of inversion and detachment will serve as a significant theoretical contribution to future developments in this field of linguistics. Our research is devoted to the investigation of main syntactic constructions of inversion and detachment, their classifications, main lexico-semantic features and quantitative ratio based on the text of Ray Bradbury's Dandelion wine. The paper develops the research ideas from two perspectives: theoretical, which highlights the views of Ukrainian and foreign scholars on the concepts under consideration and survey methodology, and practical part, which presents the results of the study. The results of the study provide examples, analysis, classification and comparison of syntactic constructions that contain inversion and detachment from the Ukrainian and English versions of Ray Bradbury's Dandelion wine. In the process of data collection and the analysis of semantic units a set of overall linguistic research methods have been applied: observation, induction, comparison, experiment (statistical method), structural method (transformational analysis), method of semantic and stylistic analysis (stylistic analysis), contrastive method. The advantage of our approach, which we have chosen to study inversion and detachment, is its interdisciplinarity, as we have used the methods of corpus and computer linguistics to study stylistic phenomena. We believe that such an approach can yield positive results and be the first step in creating a parallel corpus or a linguistic program based on the results of the study. The results obtained during the investigation of research topic have many applications in such fields of computational linguistics as corpus linguistics and automated test analysis. They will be used for further creation of an English-Ukrainian parallel corpus of stylistic units or a linguistic program for the computer-assisted search of expressive means and stylistic devices in the text.

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