
Linguistic creativity is analyzed as a feature of the microblog paratext in the Telegram messenger. For the media linguistics research, the most important paratext components of publications in Telegram channels were selected, namely: nickname and slogan, which, combining many posts into integrity, are aimed at establishing contact, identifying, informing, advertising and highlighting the channel among others. It was found out that due to the specifics of the technological conditions of speech interaction in Telegram, these paratext components become zones of speech creativity of telegramers and undergo polyparametric language transformations. Linguistic innovations in naming and sloganistics of three thematically diverse groups of Telegram channels — about politics, science and entertainment — are considered. As a result, linguocreative techniques were established in the channel’s paratext, the role of discourse createms in the process of participants’ communicative adaptation to new technological conditions was revealed. Linguocreative techniques in the channels naming consist in the use of specific word-formation, lexical and syntactic resources of the language, which are adapted to the needs of politically, scientifically or entertainment-oriented communication. Linguistic innovation in sloganistics is determined by the desire to draw attention to the channel as a whole and to its individual messages, which forces the participants of telegram communication to mobilize such means of linguistic creativity that update the repertoire of linguistic means for naming speech activity. The research of linguocreativity in the Telegram channel paratext opens up broad prospects for the study of linguistic innovations in the metatext and intratext components of the media text created in new technological conditions.

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