
The article is an analysis of the epistolary discourse of the Kazakh poet Khamit Yergaliyev, a famous representative of the literary activity of the second half of the last century in Kazakhstan. The aim of the work is to linguistically investigate the correspondence of the poet, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with a focus on revealing his subjective stylistic and grammatical peculiarities as a bilingual.The study is based on the analysis of epistols from the personal archive of Hamit Yergaliyev, as well as using scientific publications and written materials stored in the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Emphasis is placed on the importance of studying epistolary discourse in both scientific and creative communication with contemporaries in order to form a linguistic picture of a certain time period.The scientific significance of the study lies in the possibility of revealing the characteristic features of the construction of discursive constructions of letter writers, which will give an opportunity to shed light on the various linguistic approaches used in the creation of communicative act in the conditions of bilingual component of the ethno-linguistic landscape of Kazakhstan. Such a study is important for a deeper understanding of linguistic dynamics and cultural aspects of communication in Kazakhstan.

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