
In archaic times, the main form of transmission of the common people the experience of knowledge from generation to generation was folklore. Literally translated as “folk wisdom”, “folk knowledge”, the term denotes poetic creativity, reflecting the experience of millennia. Folklore existed in the context of folk culture and had, first of all, practical function, as well as informational and religious; the aesthetic function was secondary. Folklore works served the various needs of the ancient society; bearers of archaic traditions were people from the social bottom - peasants, poor townspeople, which led to the design of the oral verbal form of certain genres folklore. The relevance of the work is determined by two factors: first, the question the relationship of the sexes has always worried about a person, he remains open and in present tense; secondly, the problem of characterizing a person by his gender identity in Russian folklore is practically not studied, about as evidenced by the analysis of scientific linguistic research on gender. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the analysis of works Russian folklore from the position of reflecting gender inequality in them. The object of research is the works of Russian folklore, containing the characteristics of a person by gender. Research subject -semantic and grammatical features of lexemes used to describe the images of a man and women in folklore.

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