
The article deals with ethnic anthropological stereotypes. They constitute the most important part of the worldview in a literary work. The subject of the investigation is linguistic markers of auto- and heterostereotypes in the discourse of the first part of the novel „Glory and praise” („Slawa i chwala”) by an outstanding Polish writer Yaroslav Ivashkevich. The aim is to find linguistic markers of ethnic stereotypes of the Poles and other ethnic groups in the literary text. Among the ethnic stereotypes we distinguish between auto- and heterostereotypes. The former are steady and emotionally coloured opinions, judgements, ascribed to a certain ethnic group by its representatives. The latter are ascribed to some ethnic group by a diferent one. Forming auto- and heterostereotypes occurs on a general basis: the emphasis is placed on most prominent national traits, on the contrast between „a native” and „a stranger”. The image of „a stranger” is perceived through the prism of one's own system of values. The inherent attribute of the ethnic stereotype is evaluation which firstly exists in linguistic markers at the lexical level. Valuing is also present in the pragmatic lexical component of ethnonyms (Polak, Ukrainiec, Ros anin, Niemiec, Francuz, Żyd, Austriak), anthroponyms (Chopin, Sienkiewicz, Blok, Lermontow, Majakowski), toponyms (Polska, Ros a, Warsza a, Odessa, Ki , Winnica, Chark , Mosk a, Petersburg, Piotrogrod, Wieden, Magdeburg, Paryz). Secondly, at the morphological level evaluation is performed by personal pronouns (my / wy, nasza / wasza; „Kto nie z nami, ten przeci nam”), qualitative adjectives (na ybitnie szy, ielki, piekny, przysto ny). Thirdly, at the syntactic level evaluation is presented by attributive adjectival phrases polski, ukrainski, rosy ski, niemiecki, austriacki, zydo ski, francuski („T arz mial rzeczy iście bardzo polską”; nasze ukrainskie ziemianst o; ymienil rosy skie naz isko; oficer niemieckich; piechota austriacka; pare zydo skich furmanek; francuskiego zapachu). And forthly, at the stylistic level stereotypes and peculiarities of characters' speech behaviour are described („galicy skie nalecialości panskie mo y”; „Ni, ni – odparl Lewko – nam treba wertatysia...”; „ J zia uderzyl piekny akcent francuski”).Conclusion. In the literary discourse under analysis ethnic stereotypes reflect the nation's attitude to their activity, to the surroundings. They contain various information on the typical traits of the Poles, Ukrainians, Russians, Germans, Jews, Americans, the French and other nationalities. The perspective of the further investigation is to analyse stereotypes of different ethnic groups in literary and spoken texts.

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