
• Linguistic focus increases attention to the focused item during encoding in Working Memory. • The focused item receives more attention during retention if it remains relevant to the task. • When the task demands the sharing of attention, the above advantage disappears. • If prominence is marked non-conventionally, findings on attention allocation replicate. • Thus, focus marking is a grammatical device used to express prominence and guide attention. Focus is a linguistic device that marks a piece of information within an utterance as most relevant, as when emphasis is placed by the speaker on a word using phonological stress, special intonation, or prosodic prominence. The question addressed in the present study is whether the use of linguistic focus is best seen as a means of directing the listener’s attention. We investigated attention allocation on the part of the listener to linguistically focused elements in Working Memory in a series of eye-tracking experiments. We concentrated on two processes: the encoding of the focused element and its retention. Attentional load during encoding was measured by pupil dilation, and attention allocation during retention was estimated from fixations to locations of previously present visual stimuli on a blank screen. It was found that i) more attention was allocated during the processing of sentences with linguistic focus and ii) linguistically focused elements received more attention during memory retention. However, when the task demanded the sharing of attention, the advantage of the focused element during retention disappeared. Further experiments showed that when verbal stimuli whose prominence was not linguistically marked were presented, the patterns of attention allocation associated with linguistic focus during retention replicated. These results lend further support to the claim that linguistic focus is a grammaticalized means of expressing prominence, and as such, functions as an attention capturing device.

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