
This article is an analysis of the peculiarities of the linguistic embodiment of the concept of FORGIVENESS in the context of Russian and Avar linguistic cultures based on the material of religious texts and paremias. The analysis is based on a comprehensive methodological approach that includes linguistic and cultural methods of analysis. The linguistic embodiment of the concept manifests itself in a wide range of linguistic means - from words and expressions to proverbs and catch phrases. The specificity of the concept of FORGIVENESS is manifested in a parallel explication of both the reality of the religious picture of the world and the everyday one. The similarities in the representation of the conceptual signs of forgiveness in the compared languages are characteristic of the conceptual component of the concept, the differences are determined by the interpretative and meaningful spheres. The communicative situation of forgiveness is closely related to another situation of repentance, apology. The objects of the situation of forgiveness can be sin, harm, offense, debt. The concept of FORGIVENESS in both linguistic cultures has a purely positive connotation. And it is regarded as something without which life is impossible, meaningless. Forgiveness brings relief both to the one who receives forgiveness and to the one who gives forgiveness. The study showed that the concept of FORGIVENESS penetrates into all spheres of people's lives and makes them seriously think about their attitude to understanding the most important spiritual components of human life. The consideration of concrete examples of the linguistic use of these concepts in speech shows their versatility and high importance in the Russian and Avar linguistic cultures.

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