
The article analyzes the language image of the modern Ukrainian city in the means of mass communication. Attention is drawn to the preservation in journalistic texts of the linguistic and cultural memory of the urban space, the formation of its identity against the background of the philosophical ideas of urban anthropology and in connection with extralinguistic factors. Means of mass communication, based on the traditional symbolic perception of each individual city with its own dictionary of cultural heritage names, record the expansion of the semantics of the concept itself, its lexical compatibility, rational and expressive evaluability. The basis of the nuclear concept of the city in the means of mass communication is formed by eternal words of the Ukrainian dictionary: toponyms, names of cultural monuments, nominations of abstract universal values, which, maintaining a connection with the linguistic and cultural memory of the people, with the philosophy of being, grow new consonant temporal semantic shades. The connection with history is often read in the names of new phenomena of the urban space, appeals to the consciousness of a wide audience to preserve the connection with the long-formed national identity. The image of a modern Ukrainian city combines the functioning of two polar language paradigms, which testify to the life of the language in conditions of war and peace. The lexicon of the peaceful city accumulates the traditionally symbolic, rational, intellectual, dynamic dimension of human existence. In the conditions of war, language activates all expressive and psychological resources, becomes one of the most important tools of resistance to military aggression. Constant updating of the dictionary of names of the realities of modern urban space is dynamic in journalistic texts. The philosophy of the means of mass communication language accumulates an indicative lexicon of symbolic names for each city and at the same time responds to the demands of modern social life - it captures the understanding of traditions and realities of today, universal and national values in words.

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