
The article deals with the examples of linguistic creativity in the modern urban environment which is represented in the names of different commercial objects (cafes, shops, restaurants, etc.), in the names of commercial enterprises and advertising slogans, as well as being visualized in the urban objects of Russian, Estonian and Polish towns and cities. The article describes the main patterns of language game with words and their meanings, with word combinations and more complex language structures within the visual urban environment; the authors take notes of the usage of the phenomena in the linguistic environment of different countries: Russia, Estonia and Poland. The researched units not only play the role of a name, but also take the option of a sign, so they bring some special, meant by the nominator message/value to the interpreter (a passer-by, a customer, etc.). In such a way it is possible to speak of some specific pragmatic focus of the created semiotic sign. Apart from that, the authors note that linguistic creativity of the urban environment reflects also the function of indirect dialogue: the interpreter, the receiver of the message is dragged in the indirect communication, as if being behind the scenes and sending an answer to the message inscribed in the urban linguistic landscape. As a result of consistent comparison of different methods of creativity in the linguistic landscape of Russian, Estonian and Polish towns and cities, the similarities and differences of the method implementation strategies and tactics are registered; some special traits for the specific language reality are described. The article contemplates as well on the sustainability of the above-mentioned linguistic experiments in the context of linguistic ecology.

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