
The peculiarities of the linguistic and cultural adaptation of the artistic text at classes of Ukrainian as a foreign language are analyzed in the article. The concept of linguistic and cultural adaptation is considered in the context of categories of linguistic picture of the world and artistic picture of the world. It can be defined as the readiness of a foreigner to perceive and analyze the background knowledge embedded in the canon of ethnic culture. A language image is defined as a concept that integrates linguistic and artistic world pictures. In the structure of the linguistic picture of the world, it functions as a stereotype, that is, an element of background knowledge that is socially fixed in the people’s consciousness and is a part of the cultural canon. As a unit of the artistic picture of the world, the linguistic image is a means of text creation, or literary modeling of reality, by which we understand the unfolding of a single image associated with a certain emotion, deposited in the author’s mind, a verbal-associative grid that structures and reflects the meaning of the text. In addition to the phonetic, lexical, grammatical and stylistic levels of linguistic and cultural adaptation, one more level is distinguished – the ethnic cultural level, at which the speaker understands the cultural code of the language, successfully operates with key concepts, images of the corresponding linguistic culture. The algorithm of linguistic and cultural adaptation of the artistic text in the process of learning of Ukrainian as a foreign language is defined using the example of the image of heart. Exercises are offered for successful linguistic and cultural adaptation of the artistic text at the classes of Ukrainian as a foreign language. Key words: linguistic and cultural adaptation, artistic text, language image, background knowledge, linguistic picture of the world, artistic picture of the world, linguistic consciousness.

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