
Introduction. Interest to a concept of REFUGEE in the Ternopil regional press is due to noticeable migration processes that play an important role of transforming the discursive practices of modern society, rethinking famous and the emergence of new nominations of the subjects of these processes, which caused the activation of nominations for designations persons, who forced to change their place of residence and it aroused scientific interest in such nominations. Relevance of the study. Despite the fact that research the problem of refugeesness has significantly intensified in the context of globalization and modern military realities, but linguistic works which dedicated to the analysis of conceptualized the notion concept of REFUGEE, especially in the regional press texts, is known not much. The purpose of the investigation was to find out the peculiarities of the language objectification of the concept of REFUGEE as the main marker for designating persons forced to change their place of residence in the context of Russia’s military aggression in 2014 and 2022, in Ukrainian media text on the example of the Ternopil regional publication «Free Life Plus». Methodology. The methodology of research of this concept involves a triangulation approach associated with use of various methods and techniques, including both traditionally descriptive and relatively new methods of conceptual analysis, content analysis. Results. Conducted observations have testified that the concept of REFUGEE in the newspaper «Free Life Plus» is characterized by an extensive system of names, which are dominated by such as refugee, immigrant, internally (temporarily) displaced person, as well as others, that is due to the trend mass displacement of people from eastern Ukraine to the western regions in connection with the full-scale Russian aggression and connect with it migration crisis. Conclusions. Detected branched nominative field of the concept is revealed REFUGEE in the researched media text confirms the need to unify the names for its designations, that is due to modern challenges to information security of the state and changing the causes and consequences of refugeeness, particular in the aspect of distinguishing between the concepts of internal and external refugee, temporarily displaced person and internally displaced person, Ukrainian immigrant within their state, as well as the establishment of their legislative status to prevent use their as «hybrid weapons» for destabilization of the socialpolitical situation in the country. The prospect of further research is associated with the study of other media texts, where the problem of refugeeness finds its fullest embodiment.

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