
The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence and distribution according to various arch length conditions of lingually erupted mandibular permanent incisors and the effect of space condition on this phenomenon with long-term follow-up of these teeth. A total of 105 children aged 5-7.5 years with one or more permanent mandibular incisors erupting lingual to the corresponding primary incisors were included in the study. A space analysis was performed. The subjects were divided into six groups according to various space conditions. The subjects were followed for 2 years. In this study the prevalence of lingual eruption was 18.4%. Eighty-three point seven percent of the subjects had either equivalent space, mild space excess, or a space deficiency (not more than 3 mm). No relationship was found between groups and clinical outcomes (P>.05). Follow up of the main three groups (according to the space analysis results) revealed in the adequate space group 75% of the children lost their primary incisors without any intervention. Similar outcomes occurred in 85.7% and 57.14% of cases in the mild space excess and space deficiency groups, respectively. Considering the three main groups combined, equivalent space, mild space excess, and mild space deficiency, 70.45% of children lost their primary incisors without any intervention and 14.8% needed primary incisor extraction (17.4%, 14.3%, and 10.7% in each group, respectively). There was no predisposition toward a space deficiency or excess found in these subjects so the wait-and-see policy versus early extraction can be considered for lingually erupting permanent mandibular incisors. Lingual eruption of mandibular incisors is a common clinical problem in the early mixed dentition period that is a source of discomfort for parents of patients with this condition. The present study provides a unique insight into the prevalence of the problem as well as the clinical decisions such as favoring retention of primary incisors as long as possible, the extraction of these primary teeth, placement of lower lingual holding arches, or referral for comprehensive orthodontic treatment. These types of data should not be regarded as standards but as illustrative of several key factors that are still not well-understood or which are still ignored.

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