
Objective To review and update the existing knowledge regarding the differential diagnosis of lymphedema and the necessary complementary tests and to present a simplified algorithm for the diagnosis. Search strategy A search was made of the original articles in the major databases: Clearinghouse National Guidelines, Guidelines Finder of the National electronic Library for Health of Britannic NHS, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Web of Knowledge and MEDLINE (1996–2009), and for the most relevant monographs on lymphedema. Articles selection The relevance of the articles was evaluated by initial reading of the title and abstract and the full text of those considered relevant was analyzed. Data Lower limb edema may appear due to multiple causes and may be difficult to diagnose adequately. Systemic causes such as hypoalbuminemia, congestive heart failure, kidney failure, nephrotic syndrome and advanced liver disease need to be ruled out. Local causes such as lymphedema, phleboedema and lipedema are more difficult to diagnose.

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